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We get it. The thought of letting go of things that bring you comfort and joy right now doesn’t sound fun.

But it is worth it. And you’ll be surprised how easy it is to replace those things with new things that bring comfort and joy.


What's In Your Future?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? And 20 or 30?

?  Do you wish for more energy? Or more excitement for life?

?  Do you hope for wonderful evenings out with friends or walking on the beach with your spouse?

?  Do you dream of playing with your grandchildren and great-grandchildren?


Your Lifestyle + Environment

The thing is, over half of American adults right now have been diagnosed with a chronic disease that is going to disrupt their dreams of the future. And when you narrow it down to retirement age, it jumps to 80% of older adults diagnosed with at least one chronic disease, with many others that are experiencing symptoms pre-diagnosis. Most chronic diseases are 15-30 years in the making.

This sounds rather bleak, but the great news is that it doesn’t have to be for you. We know the factors that lead to chronic disease and better yet, we know how to manipulate and minimize those factors to help you bypass chronic conditions and live your best life. Those factors–even when you have an increased genetic risk–are all centered around your lifestyle and environment, which means you have a lot of control over it!


Change Your Mind, Change Your Future

Scientists used to believe that all brain growth occurred in the early years of life and that after that, new connections and brain growth were not possible.

Researchers have since proved that this is not true and the theory of “neuroplasticity” was born. While your brain is most “plastic” or flexible in the early childhood development period, your brain can build and re-route connections throughout your life, but most often as a result of exposure to new experiences.

The theory of neuroplasticity teaches that thinking, learning, and acting in new ways physically changes your brain. And this also means that you can change your mind. You can change your preferences, your favorite things, your cravings…all of it!

Old dogs can and DO learn new tricks! So why not you?

What do you have to lose?

Well, besides maybe a few pounds (or more), some brain fog, fatigue, cholesterol buildup, etc. Need we go on?

I can't believe how fortunate I am to be part of this course. It is far more than I ever thought it would be--so much helpful information

Judy Richman

Our coach was very knowledgeable in all the aspects of the training. She shared many useful ideas from her experiences and learned knowledge. She was always there for us! The weekly Zoom calls were especially helpful, from not just the coach but others in the program. As we discussed different aspects, it was nice to get others view point and their opinions.

Kathryn Moore

I understand how so many things work together to help learn what we should be doing to help us stay healthy physically as well as spiritually. So much valuable information on the why we should exercise, meditation, positive attitude, making cooking fun, take time to relax one day a week, and focus on the best plan in each area to strengthen our minds and bodies.

Marguerite Stephens